
Back to the Charts - It’s Looking good!

Hello Again - The stock market is rising. Below is a graph of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (The Dow), ever since the great recession back in 2008. So many economic events have happened, yet the market keeps plugging along.  And here’s the thing, I still feel there is much more to come.

But I want to caution everyone ahead of time.  It’s going to be real easy to wait to long to get in. Many are still scarred from recent events and are sitting tight. They are waiting for the coast to be clear, and then they will finally cave due to FOMO, but it will be too late. Don’t do that. Long-term money should be in there now if it’s going to be in there at all, and we can help.

It’s nearly tax time, so try to get ahead of things. Consult with your tax advisor.  If still working, then fund your IRAs and your Roths for retirement and get it invested. With excess savings, talk to us and get it invested, all the while keeping enough around to support your transactional and large ticket needs. Some people with low income should consider a roth conversion. The rules keep changing, but we can help.  That’s what we do. Call or email anytime. We are taking new clients at this time.

