
The New Bull Market!

Hello Everyone – I want to leave you all with a positive message as we enter the long weekend.  The S&P 500 stock index bottomed back in October 2022, and continues to trend higher to this day.  It’s slow, but it is happening (see chart below). These debt ceiling negotiations have potential to be a very positive event for the country, and we should know more next week.  Regardless of party, we should all be able to agree that it’s time to reign in deficit spending.  The two-party system is designed for this very thing……to keep each other in check, and it’s the entire country that needs a win here.  I believe it can happen.  I believe it will happen. And I believe it would be a really bad idea to bet against the United States of America right now!  So hang in there, stay positive, and this Memorial Day weekend give honor to those that gave everything for our current freedoms!

Best Regards,




2 ½ Year Chart of the S&P 500 Index – A widely followed stock index that represents 500 of the biggest publicly traded stocks in America.