
Protect Yourself From Scammers!

Hello Again - I’ve been wondering what to write out about, and then suddenly someone dear to me was scammed!  How terrible is that?  After hearing the details it was a reminder that it could happen to any of us and that most of us could be like sitting ducks.  It’s important to always keep your defenses up!

This one started with a phone call from someone that was trying to help them (of course). The skilled and ruthless thief knew exactly what to say and when, and it happened over a 2-3 day period.  By the time my friend realized what was possibly going on…..it was too late. They were victimized and helpless, and left to dig their way out of it alone. These perpetrators are not real people. They are monsters without a conscience. They will say or do anything to appear legitimate.

So PROTECT YOURSELF from unfamiliar phone calls, emails, texts and junk mail. Don’t answer calls if you don’t know the caller. Let them leave a message or voicemail. Emails that appear even a little unusual, look closely at the senders email and move to junk. Most organizations like IRS, Verizon, UPS, etc, will not reach out to you with a phone call.  And by all means NEVER, EVER give anyone you don’t know your social security number, DOB, address, or any other personal info. Guard your credit card numbers and your bank account and investment account numbers and don’t use odd sites. Absolutely anything and everything should be scrutinized to a fault.  Texts that sound nice……delete them. Social media too. They are everywhere.  They are relentless. Get good at protecting yourself and be aware at all times!!

Wishing you all well!


protect your personal information